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CELL purchased many of its materials from ASHA. As a certified ASHA CE Provider, SHAA is allowed to use them to provide CE credit to our CELL users. However, ASHA dates those materials and stipulates that after the “expiration” date for each title, it will need to be reviewed by a professional in the field to confirm that the material is still current and accurate. You can provide SHAA this service and earn free CE time by watching or listening to “expired” titles and giving the necessary review. When recommended by two peer review, the title will become active again for another three years.
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Choose from the following titles:
2.0 CE hrs Look Back Into Neurology, A (Margaret Johnson, SLPD, CCC-SLP, F-ASHA, SHAA Convention 2017) 1 DVD - Content Area I - Password: CELLonly
1.75 CE hrs The Science of Collaboration in the Clinical Setting
Johannes Dippenaar, MDIV, MTH, MSHA, LSSGB (UAB Medicine); Jamie Tinker Wade, MS, SLP-CCC, MSHA, LSSGB
2.0 CE hrs Clinical Education Training for AUD and SLPs Involved in Student Supervision
Melissa Cheslock, MS, CCC-SLP (University of Montevallo); Kendra Hudson, MS, CCC-SLP (University of South Alabama)
Esther Phillips-Ross, MA, CCC-SLP/L (Alabama A&M University); Laura Promer, MS, CCC-SLP (Samford University); Mary Ray-Allen, MEd, CCC-SLP (University of Alabama);Elizabeth Zylla-Jones, MS, CCC-SLP (Auburn University)
2.0 CE hrs Best Practices in Intervention for Memory Impairments in TBI and Stroke Patients
Caroline Gammill, SLPD, CCC-SLP, CBIS
1.5 CE hrs Acquired Adult Motor Speech Disorders: Differential Diagnosis
Kendrea L. (Focht) Garand, PhD, CScD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, CBIS
1.75 CE hrs A Patient-Centered Approach to Aphasia Management, Kimberly Ann Graham Smith, PhD, CCC-SLP
1.75 CE hrs A Comprehensive Evidence Based Approach to the Treatment of Dysphagia (4 part series) Part 1: The Rehabilitation of Dysphagia: Dysfunction Junction What’s Your Function?, Teresa BiberLoMonte, MS, CCC-SLP
1.75 hrsA Comprehensive Evidence Based Approach to the Treatment of Dysphagia (4 part series) Part 3: The Science of Electrotherapy and the Principles of NMES, Teresa BiberLoMonte, MS, CCC-SLP
1.75 CE hrs A Comprehensive Evidence Based Approach to the Treatment of Dysphagia Part 4: The Biber Protocol®: Application of NMES for the Treatment of Dysphagia: Evidence Based Practice, Teresa BiberLoMonte, MS, CCC-SLP
2.0 hrs 2019 ALSDE Updates , Stephanie Frucci, EdS, CCC-SLP
1.5 hrs Working with Young Children Who Stutter and Their Families: Showing the Evidence for Practice, Tommie L. Robinson, Jr., Ph.D, CCC-SLP, 2010
2.0 hrs Dysphagia in Schools: An Interdisciplinary Team Approach, Emily M. Homer, MA, CCC-SLP, 2019
2.0 hrs Advanced Issues in the Management of Individuals Who are Tracheotomized and Ventilator Dependent, Susan Brady, MS, CCC-SLP, BRS-S, 2010
7.5 hrs Alzheimer's Caregiving - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Password: Cellonly, Mary Lucero, BSH, NHA, 2002
2.0 hrs Creating an Effective Dementia Program: Starting at the End, Michelle S. Bourgeois, PhD, CCC-SLP, F-ASHA, SHAA Convention 2017
2.0 hrs Documentation for the Speech-Language Pathologist in Medical Settings Part 1; Part 2 (ABESPA Content II) John Tracy, PhD, MPH, CCC-SLP, Susan Almon-Matangos, MS,CCC-SLP, 2012
2.0 hrs The Dysphagia Evaluation: Consultation to Instrumental Exam, Joe Murray, MA, CCC-SLP, and Elizabeth Callaway, MS, CCC-SLP, 2004, Password: CELLonly
1.0 hr Ethical Challenges in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, Lawrence Molt, PhD, CCC-SLP/AUD, Password: CELLonly
1.5 hrs Emerging Treatment for Dysphagia: Where We're Headed, Password: CELLonly, Debra Sutter, PhD,
CCC-SLP, BCS-s, F-ASHA, SHAA Convention 2017
2.0 hrs Evidence-Based Intervention for Dementia Management, Nidhi Mahendra, PhD, CCC-SLP, 2011
2.0 hrs Evidence–Based Practice in Traumatic Brain Injury: Assessment and Intervention for Cognitive Communication Disorders Part 1, Part 2, Lyn S. Turkstra, PhD, BC-NCD, CCC-SLP/ Janet P. McCarty, Med., 2008
2.0 hrs Evidence Based Treatment for Dysphagia: Where We Are , Password: CELLonly, Debra Sutter, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, F-ASHA. SHAA Convention 2017
2.0 hrs Functional Assessment: From MCI to Severe Dementia, Password: CELLonly, Michelle S. Bourgeois, PhD, CCC-SLP, SHAA Convention 2017
2.0 hrs Increasing Efficiency in SLP Practice: Maximize Productivity, Minimize Pain Pt 1, Part 2, Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP, 2011, (ABESPA Content II)
2.0 hrs Intervention Approaches and Instructional Techniques for Dementia:
Where's the Evidence? Password: CELLonly, Michelle S. Bourgeois, PhD, CCC-SLP, F-ASHA, 2017
2.0 hrs Memory Disorders in Traumatic Brain Injury: Principles of Assessment and Treatment Part1, Part 2, Fofi Constantinidou, PhD, CCC-SLP, 2011
2.0 hrs Oral Care Practices for Seriously Ill and Nursing Home Patients, John R. Ashford, PhD, CCC-SLP, 2012
2.0 hrs PEG Tubes in Adults: Use, Overuse & the SLP's Role, William M. Plonk, Jr., MD, 2008
2.0 hrs Standardizing Dysphagia Diets Part 1, Part 2, McCullough, Pelletier, Steele, & Sullivan, ASHA, 2005
3.0 hrs Supported Communication Intervention for Aphasia: Part 1, Part 2, Password: CELLonly, Nancy Alarcon, MS, CCC-SLP, BC-NCD(A)/Margaret Rogers, PhD, CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS, 2006
2.0 hrs Speech-Language Pathology Services in End-of-Life Care: Ethical, Clinical, and Legal Considerations, Helen Sharp, PhD/Althea Wagman-Bolster, MA, MS/Lynne Brady Wagner, MA, 2006
1.5 hrs Swallow Screening and the Yale Swallow Protocol, Password: CELLonly, Debra Sutter, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-s, F-ASHA, SHAA Convention 2017
2.0 hrs Tracheostomy Tubes in Adults: Management of Communication and Swallowing Impairments Part 1, Part 2, Carmen Bartow, MS, CCC-SLP, 2007, Password: CELLonly
1.8 CE hrs The Effects of Prematurity on the Developing Auditory and Vestibular System
Alisha Lambeth Jones, PhD, AuD (Auburn University)
1.5 CE hrs Part I Digital Ear Scanning/Pt II Vestibular Update
Melissa LeBon, AuD, CCC-A, (Otometrics, a division of Natus)
2.0 CE hrs Navigating Pediatric Hearing Loss: A Choose-Your-Own (Diagnostic) Adventure
Ursula M. Findlen, PhD (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio); Gina M Hounam, PhD (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio)
1.0 CE hrs Language Gaps and What to Do About It?
Susan Wiley, MD (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center)
2.0 CE hrs Implementing Evidence-Based Speech Perception Protocols in the Pediatric Setting
Ursula M. Findlen, PhD (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio); Gina M Hounam, PhD (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio)
2.0 CE hrs Ear & Hearing Care for Children with Craniofacial Differences: An Evidence-Based, Quality Improvement Endeavor , Ursula M. Findlen, PhD
2.0 CE hrs Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children Who Are D/HH: What Do We Know and Where Do We Need to Go?
Susan Wiley, MD (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center)
2.0 CE hrs 1-3-6 to 1-2-3: The Numbers Game of EHDI
Ursula M. Findlen, PhD (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio); Gina M Hounam, PhD (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio)
2.0 hrs 2017 Technology Update, Password CELLonly, Greg Ollick, Sr., MA, 2017
2.0 hrs Aspects of the Diagnosis of Pediatric Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Password: CELLonly, Brian Fligor, ScD, PASC, SHAA Convention 2017
2.0 hrs Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Diagnosis and Management Across the Lifespan, Password: CELLonly, Brian Fligor, ScD, PASC. SHAA Convention 2017
1.5 hrs Pediatric Vestibular Dysfunction: Migraine, Concussion and Congenital Hearing Loss, Password: CELLonly, Jacob R. Brodsky, MD, FAAP, SHAA Convention 2017
2.0 hrs Single Sided Deafness, Password: CELLonly, Jacob R. Brodsky, MD, FAAP, 2017
2.0 hrs Vestibular System Made Easy, Password: CELLonly, Jacob R. Brodsky, MD, FAAP, SHAA Convention 2017
2.0 CE hrs Educational Relevance of Communication Disorders (Lissa Power-deFur, PhD, CCC-SLP, F-ASHA, 2015) CD and Manual
2.0 CE hrs Beyond the Basics: Interventions for Speech Sound Disorders (Carol Koch, EdD, CCC-SLP, SHAA Convention 2017) 1 DVD - Content Area I
2.0 CE hrs Social Skills Development in School-Age Children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders Rhea Paul, PhD, CCC-SLP, F-ASHA
1.5 CE hrs Using the ‘D’ Word: The SLPs Role Regarding Myths, Facts, Assessments & Interventions for Dyslexia
Marianne Nice, MS, CCC-SLP (Owner/Director of Reality Ed, Contracted Consultant for Reading with TLC)
2.0 CE hrs Power-Up Your Instruction with Multi-Component Training to Improve Speech, Language & Literacy Skills
Marianne, Nice, MA, CCC-SLP (Owner/Director Reality Ed, Contracted Consultant Reading with TLC)
2.0 CE hrs Clinical Education Training for AUD and SLPs Involved in Student Supervision
Melissa Cheslock, MS, CCC-SLP (University of Montevallo); Kendra Hudson, MS, CCC-SLP (University of South Alabama)
Esther Phillips-Ross, MA, CCC-SLP/L (Alabama A&M University); Laura Promer, MS, CCC-SLP (Samford University); Mary Ray-Allen, MEd, CCC-SLP (University of Alabama);Elizabeth Zylla-Jones, MS, CCC-SLP (Auburn University)
2.0 hrs, Bilingual Phonological Development pt 1, and pt 2.
2.0 hrs , Dysphagia in Schools: An Interdisciplinary Team Approach, Emily M. Homer, MA, CCC-SLP
2.0 hrs The 3:1 Service Delivery Model, Sharon Soliday, MS, CCC-SLP, 2010
2.0 hrs Cleft Lip, Cleft Palate and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Evaluation and Treatment, Password: CELLonly, Meghan Brown Amerson, MCD, CCC-SLP, John H. Grant III, MD, Laura Sconyers, MCD, CCC-SLP, SHAA Convention 2017
2.0 hrs Dysphagia Intervention in Schools: Team Development and Treatment Strategies, Rita L. Bailey, EdD, CCC-SLP, BRS-S; Maureen Staskowski, PhD, CCC-SLP, 2009
2.0 hrs Evaluation of Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing, Joan C. Arvedson, PhD, CCC-SLP, BC-NCD, BRS-S, 2008, Password: CELLonly
2.0 hrs Executive Function Skills in Children and Adolescents: Assessment and Treatment, Sarah Ward, MS, CCC-SLP, 2011
6.5 hrs Floortime 2: Sensory Regulation and Social Interaction Part 1, Part 2, Password: CELLonly, Stanley Greenspan, MD, 2006
6.5 hrs Floortime 3: Symbolic and Logical Thinking Part 1, Part 2, Password: CELLonly, Stanley Greenspan, MD 2006
2.0 hrs Increasing Efficiency in SLP Practice: Maximize Productivity, Minimize Pain Part 1, Part 2, Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP, 2011, ABESPA Content Area II
2.0 hrs Pediatric Voice Disorders, Evaluation and Treatument, Sarah D. Melton Blakeslee, MA, CCC-SLP/Shannon M. Theis, PhD, CCC-SLP, 2010
2.0 hrs Response-to-Intervention (RTI): You Know About It, Now What Do You Do, Barbara J. Ehren, EdD, CCC-SLP, 2013
2.0 hrs Second Language Acquisition in Children: Considerations for Assessment Part 1, Part 2, Johanne Paradis, PhD, 2008
1.5 hrs Setting the Stage, Clinical Practice in the Neonatal ICU, Password: CELLonly, Catherine Shaker, MS, CCC-SLP, BRS-S, 2001
2.0 hrs Social Communication in Preschoolers and School Age Children: Assessment and Intervention Part1, Part 2, Gerlyn R. Timier, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, 2008
2.0 hrs Treatment of Speech Sound Disorders: New Approaches, Sherry Sancibrian, MS, CCC-SLP, BRS-CL, 2012
2.0 hrs Vocabulary Instruction: Evidence for Five Instructional Strategies Part 1, Part 2, Karla McGregor, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, 2010
2.0 hrs Working with Interpreters to Serve Bilingual Children and Families, Password: CELLonly, Henriette W. Langdon, EdD, CCC-SLP, F-ASHA, 2002
2.0 hrs Workload Success Stories (ABESPA Content Area II), Judy Rudebusch, EdD, CCC-SLP/JoAnn Wiechmann, EdD, CCC-SLP, 2015
1.5 CE Hrs Who Wants To Be America's Top Modeler? - Morgan Mayfield, M.S., CCC-SLP; Kim Heine, M.S., CCC-SLP
1.5 CE Hrs All About Communication: Communicating with the Tools You Have
Dianna Havard Penn, MS, CCC-SLP (Children’s Rehabilitation Service); Elizabeth Stewart, MEd, ATP (Tobii Dynavox)
2.0 CE hrs Engineering Immersive AAC Environments: Applying AAC Foundations to Build Language and Communications (Beth Browning, MA, CCC-SLP )(Owner, PRC-Saltillo)
1.0 Ce hrs Ethical Challenges in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Content I Lawrence Molt, PhD, CCC-SLP/AUD PASSWORD: CELLonly
2.0 hrs Honoring Patient Choices: The Ethical Obligations of Audiologists and SLPs, Heather Bupp, Esq/Amy Hasselkus, MA, CCC-SLP, 2013
2.0 hrs Speech-Language Pathology Services in End-of-Life Care: Ethical, Clinical, and Legal Considerations, Helen Sharp, PhD; Althea Wagman-Bolster, MA, MS; Lynne Brady Wagner, MA, 2006
4.0 hrs Neurogenic Voice and Resonance Disorders: Diagnosis & Treatment, M. Sandage, MA, CCC-SLP, 2008