If there is not a handout for a speaker, they did not provide one.
Thinking Above and Beyond: Understanding Cognition for Speech- Language Pathology
Building Executive Function Skills Through Play-Based Learning
Traits of a Neurodiversity-Affirming SLP
AAC Implementation in the Classroom
AAC Support: Collaborating with Teachers and Caregivers
A Fresh Start: Reimagining and Rebuilding My Private Practice After the Flood
Speech Language Pathology in Post-Acute Care…The Rest of the Story
Lateral Lisp Remediation: From Elicitation to Generalization
The Complexity Approach to Phonological Intervention
Let's Get Real: Practical Tips for R Remediation
Assessment and Management of Pediatric Feeding Disorder in Alabama: Resources and Challenges
Success with Stuttering: Holistic Therapy K-12 Handouts
Documentation in Health Care for Speech-Language Pathologists
Nuturing the Art of Social Pragmatic Communication
Assistant for Hire: Partner with AI to Lighten Your Workload
Play-based Receptive Language Therapy: More Teaching, Less Testing
AAC Make and Take- PRC Saltillo
SHAA ACE Presentation 2025- Supervisor Training
Assessment and Treatment of Language-based literacy disorders in school-age children
Planning for the One Percent: Best Practice Guidance for Students Who Are D/HH
Pediatric Cochlear Implant Candidacy and Outcomes
Well Hearing is Well Being (You can also visit the Phonak exhibit booth in the exhibit hall to pick up these handouts)