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Convention Handouts 

2025 Handouts

If there is not a handout for a speaker, they did not provide one.

Thinking Above and Beyond: Understanding Cognition for Speech- Language Pathology

Sensory for the SLP

Building Executive Function Skills Through Play-Based Learning

Traits of a Neurodiversity-Affirming SLP

AAC Implementation in the Classroom

AAC Support: Collaborating with Teachers and Caregivers

Exploring the Potential of Orofacial Myology: Integrative Approaches for Improved Patient Outcomes in Speech and Feeding Therapy

Exploring the Potential of Orofacial Myology: Integrative Approaches for Improved Patient Outcomes in Speech and Feeding Therapy handout 2

A Fresh Start: Reimagining and Rebuilding My Private Practice After the Flood

ALSDE Updates

Speech Language Pathology in Post-Acute Care…The Rest of the Story

Lateral Lisp Remediation: From Elicitation to Generalization

The Complexity Approach to Phonological Intervention

Let's Get Real: Practical Tips for R Remediation

Assessment and Management of Pediatric Feeding Disorder in Alabama: Resources and Challenges

Success with Stuttering: Holistic Therapy K-12 Handouts

Strengthen Clinical Skills in Determining the Presence of Speech Production Disorder or Difference in Children

Documentation in Health Care for Speech-Language Pathologists

Nuturing the Art of Social Pragmatic Communication

Assistant for Hire: Partner with AI to Lighten Your Workload

Play-based Receptive Language Therapy: More Teaching, Less Testing

More than Sound

AAC Make and Take- PRC Saltillo

SHAA ACE Presentation 2025- Supervisor Training

Supporting Engagement and Expressive Development (APLL SEED): Graduate Students Coaching Parents in Early Intervention

Assessment and Treatment of Language-based literacy disorders in school-age children

Planning for the One Percent: Best Practice Guidance for Students Who Are D/HH

Leveraging Evidence-Based Practices When Evaluating Preschoolers Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing for Special Education

Pediatric Cochlear Implant Candidacy and Outcomes

Rethinking Clinical Tools to Guide Audibility-based Counseling for Children with Mild Bilateral Hearing Loss

Technology Today

Well Hearing is Well Being (You can also visit the Phonak exhibit booth in the exhibit hall to pick up these handouts)

The Speech and Hearing Association of Alabama

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 380124, Birmingham, AL 35238-0124

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